“Within Each of us Lives an Unborrowed Visionary.”

My journey living my life as a successful dentist took me on a path of shifting from living an ordinary life which looked wonderfully successful on the surface to realizing that I was actually living a dull, mundane life.

The story behind

Magic. Mystery. Mastery©️

It was my dream to be a doctor. I had held that vision since I was a child and being a dentist was a perfect marriage between art and medicine.

As I faced some health issues and lived in pain 24/7, I realized I had to find answers more than medicine could provide.

So here I was at the age of 35 at a crossroad in my life, faced with health issues and a realization-  What’s the point of living a successful life when I am stuck with a host of health issues and no way out?

As I faced the “dark night of the soul”, I slowly started my way back “home“.

What was once a perfect life has lost its meaning.

I slowly started the process of contemplation and a deep inner journey of inner healing and understanding what is the meaning of life.

Who am I beyond the labels and identities I hold?

Who am I at the core of my being ?

As I walked the path , a new path started to emerge. One that was darker to start but eventually led to a light outside of the forest.

It was a pathway into the unknown.

No way out but through it..

and little by little I awakened to my spiritual truth.

I am now on a mission to help others awaken to their truth and awaken their inner unborrowed visionary and heart-centric leader that lives within each and every one of us.

And on that, living a life of duty and responsibility, one cannot see till we are forced on the path,

…which happens when we are confronted with lost health or relationships or other big wake-up calls like losing a job or having an accident.

My vision is to see a world where spiritual growth and inner healing are at the forefront of life, 

Where we stop chasing happiness and focus on listening to the wisdom of our soul.

I believe that each person who heals themselves ripples the impact onto others.

My work is an accumulation of what I learnt on my path of my own healing.

One that helps to align mind, body and spirit and is a combination of contemplation, mindset, energy work, wholeness work and mind – body integration with the Demartini method.

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